Frequently Asked Questions

1Who is responsible for paying taxes on my land after I enter a lease agreement?
The owner of the renewable energy facility covers any increased property taxes associated with the leased area, as well as any rollback taxes as part of the change in land use status.
2Can I use my property during the option period?
Yes, landowners can continue to utilize their land as they have in the past. When the option is exercised, appropriate consideration will be given to landowners to cover any commercial impacts to farming or other operations.
3What do you look for in land?
We look for land that is relatively flat, close to infrastructure, has limited wetlands or floodplain areas, is 20+ contiguous acres, with no endangered species habitat.
4How long will my land be under option?
The option periods generally range from 2 to 4 years.
5Are there environmental impacts on the land?
Solar, wind and energy storage are renewable energy resources that do not have long-term environmental impacts like those associated with fossil fuel energy sources. These projects do not produce water, noise, or air pollution.
6Will I get paid during the option period?
Yes, landowners will receive payments at the start of each option period.